Tuesday, April 1, 2014

QC Newletter April 2014 - Random Facts About Carpet

Random Facts About Carpet

1) The Norwalk virus or Norovirus (the virus that causes the stomach flu) can survive on an uncleaned carpet for a month or more.

2) Early Hoover vacuum cleaners were hard to sell because potential customers refused to believe (and were even insulted by the suggestion) that they could have that much dirt in their carpets.

3) Microbiologists have identified air blown from a running vacuum cleaner as one of the five places  in the home that has the highest numbers of germs. Other places include dish sponges, washing machines, bathroom toilets during a flush, and kitchen trash cans.

4) Each year, several pounds of soil can accumulate in and under a carpet.

5) A person sheds about 1.5 million skin flakes an hour, most of which becomes embedded in our carpets.

6) When properly cleaned and maintained, carpeting may improve the quality of air through trapping allergy-inducing dust and allergens. Most people, however, do not clean their carpets correctly, which can actually exacerbate allergies.

7) All carpet should be professionally cleaned a minimum of every 12 to 18 months.

8) The five-second rule is a myth: bacteria can live after four weeks on carpet.

9) To remove red wine from a carpet cover the stain with salt to let it absorb the wine. After absorbed, vacuum.

10) The swastika design has been traditionally a symbol of good fortune and can be found on carpets from America, Europe, India, and China.

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