Thursday, July 9, 2015

QC Newsletter July 2015 - Summer Specials

Summer Specials

Clean 3 Rooms, Get a Hall or Stairs Free!


Clean a Couch & Get Your Ottoman Cleaned Free!

*One coupon per household. Not valid on commercial/rental properties, not to be combined with any other offers.  

Expires 7/31/15

QC Newsletter July 2015 - Tualatin Farmers Market

Tualatin Farmers Market
Saturday mornings 8:30-12:30
June 13th - September 26th
Tualatin Public Library Parking Lot

We have moved from Friday nights by the lake to Saturday morning in the Tualatin Public Library Parking Lot.  Open every Saturday morning from 8:30-12:30, come shop over 30 local vendors!  

QC Newsletter July 2015 - Tips for Your Carpet

Let us help you keep those carpets in tip top shape with these 6 easy tips!

Tip #1 Entry Mats - Entry ways are often the most heavily soiled areas of carpet in the home. The simplest yet most effective way in keeping these high traffic areas from becoming heavily soiled is to use entry mats.

Tip #2 Take Off Your Shoes - You can save wear and tear on carpet by asking everyone to take off his or her shoes before entering your home.

Tip #3 Change Your Air Filters - Changing air filters in your heating and air conditioning systems as recommended by the manufacturer’s directions.  The more dust and particles removed by the filter, the less that fall on the carpet.

Tip #4 Vacuum, Vacuum, Vacuum - Increase the vacuum frequency.  Since about 75% of carpet soil is dry particulate, vacuuming more often prevents soil from embedding deep into carpets.  Vacuum heavy traffic areas slowly and repeatedly.

Tip #5 Remove Spots Immediately - Spots that are not immediately removed can turn into permanent stains very easily.  Always use a spot cleaner that is recommended by the carpet manufacturer or your trained, certified professional cleaner!  Many “over the counter” spotters leave too much soap that leaves a sticky residue behind that will make your spots return!

Tip #6 Carpet Protectant - Next time you have your carpets cleaned asked us about carpet protectant.  The soil resistant that is built into the nylon carpet is removed with regular foot traffic and harsh cleaners.  To keep your carpet cleaner longer, have protector reapplied each time you have your
carpet professionally cleaned.

QC Newsletter July 2015 - Tualatin Crawfish Festival

Tualatin Crawfish Festival
July 31st - August 2nd

Welcome to Tualatin’s annual city festival, 2015 marks the 65th year of the festival. The Tualatin Crawfish Festival offers a wide variety of food, entertainment and activities.

There’s something for all ages! Join us Friday evening near the lake at Tualatin Commons and then come back to enjoy the best Saturday in August at Tualatin Community Park.

See you there! Saturday and Sunday Daily Admission is $4.00 for adults and $2.00 for children.

QC Newsletter July 2015 - Fun in the Park 2015

Fun in the Park 2015
August 1st
Town Center Park
10am - 5pm

Fun in the Park is a unique FREE festival and wholesome celebration of a “community coming together” through collaborative efforts of businesses, churches, clubs, civic groups and practices to amuse, 
entertain, educate and delight.  It involves over 150 organizations and 600+ volunteers.  

Fun for all ages!

For more info go to:

QC Newsletter June 2015 - Referal Reward Program

Referral Reward Program

How to get Free Cash Or Free Cleaning Through our Referral Reward Program!

For each new client we receive as a referral from you, We will send you a certificate worth 10% of what that client spends with us. The referral certificate can be redeemed for


QC Newsletter June 2015 - Local Farmers Markets

Local Farmers Markets

The local farmers markets are opening all over the Portland Metro areas!

Portland, Beaverton, Hillsboro, Sunnyside, Milwaukie, Lake Oswego, Tigard, West Linn, Tualatin, Sherwood.

Check your local cities to find a farmers market near you!

QC Newsletter June 2015 - Carpet Cleaning Secrets

Carpet Cleaning Secrets

Despite your best efforts at cleanliness, your carpet will eventually become the victim of drops, spills, accidents, and whatever's on the bottom of your shoes.

Blot Stains, Don’t Rub Them.   Dab stains with a cleaning solution and a clean cloth, paper
towels or a sponge.  The key is blotting.  Blotting puts a small amount of pressure on the stairs to soak it up.  Rubbing cause the particles to get around into the carpet fibers and this can lead to the premature breakdown of those fibers.  Always blot from the outside of the stain inward, as blotting outward can spread the stain.

Candy Crush (A fun game but NOT fun in your carpet!)
If you have kids in the house, it’s only a matter of time before candy ends up in the carpet.  Try to scrape it with a spotter brush or butter knife.  Then use a sponge, apply water mixed with a mild soap.  It’s very important to get all the sugar out of the area or it will attract dirt and debris.  Once the candy is removed, dry the spot by blotting it with a damp cloth or towel.

Freeze Dry Gum
You step in chewing gum out on the street but don’t realize it until you tracked that sticky mess onto your carpet.  To get it out, head to the freezer and grab a couple of ice cubes.  Freeze the gum with ice cubs for about 30 seconds.  Once the gum is frozen solid, use a spoon to life up the bulk and cut the strands of carpet as close to the gum as possible.  Be careful not to cut too much!

Deep Clean Regularly
Cleaning the carpet is essential to keeping it looking fresh and new.  Steam cleaning involves
using a cleaning solution under pressure injected into the carpet via water jet nozzles.  Then
the machine extracts the solution along with the dirt and debris in the carpet.  Deep cleaning
is recommended anytime between 6 months to 18 months.

Call us today for your free quote at 503-638-4100.