Tuesday, October 3, 2017

QC Newsletter 2017 - Cat's Corner

Cat's Corner

1. Cats spend nearly 1/3 of their waking hours cleaning themselves.

2. Cats sleep 70% of their lives.

3. A cat rubs against people to mark its territory.

4. When your cat brings home a dead mouse or bird, it may do so to show you that you suck at hunting.

5. Cats have the cognitive ability to sense a human's feelings and overall mood.

6. If you killed a cat in the ages of Pharaoh, you could've been put to death.

7. In homes with more than one cat, it is best to have cats of the opposite sex. They tend to be better   housemates.

8. Cats have the skill set that makes them able to learn how to use a toilet.

9. Cats can pick up on your tone of voice, so sweet-talking to your cat has more of an impact than you think.

10. Genetically, cats' brains are more similar to that of a human than a dog's brain.

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