Our Carpet Cleaning Process
Step 1: Pre-Inspection
Our technician will walk through your home to visually inspect the carpet.
Step 2: Commercial Pre-Vacuum (if needed)
Removing dry soil is one of the most important steps in cleaning. Dry soil is removed by a thorough vacuuming.
Step 3: Furniture Moving
Our regular pricing includes moving sofas, chairs, tables and smaller items. Beds, dressers and heavier pieces are left in place under our regular pricing structure.
Step 4: Pre-Spray
A pre conditioning agent is applied to break down traffic area soiling and general spots for more a thorough cleaning.
Step 5: Pre-Spot
Difficult spots are pre-treated with special solutions to increase chances of removal.
Step 6: Pre-Grooming
A professional carpet grooming tool is used to further loosen the soil.
Step 7: Soil Extraction and Rinse
The carpet is then thoroughly rinsed with a powerful extraction cleaning system without over wetting the carpet or leaving a sticky residue behind.
Step 8: Neutralizer
Every carpet that we clean is pH balanced so that there is no sticky residue left behind . This also leaves your carpet soft and fresh.
Step 9: Post-Spot
Any spots or stains still remaining will get extra treatment with our many specialty spotting solutions.
Step 10: Post-Cleaning Inspection
Our technician will walk through your home to make sure that your carpet is restored to a clean and hygienic state.
Additional services available:
Step 12: Post-Groom with optional deodorizer
(Choose from Spice Air or Country Floral)
Your carpet is groomed with a professional grooming tool so that the pile of your carpet is standing tall when we leave. Post-grooming helps the carpet pile dry faster and in the right position.
Your carpet is groomed with a professional grooming tool so that the pile of your carpet is standing tall when we leave. Post-grooming helps the carpet pile dry faster and in the right position.
Step 13: Post-Groom and Protectant
Applying carpet protectant helps repel future spills and stains from penetrating your carpet fibers.
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