Monday, August 27, 2018

QC Newsletter September 2018 - FaceBook

Did you know Quick and Clean has a FaceBook page? 

Click “like” our page for inclusive tips and offers you won’t see anywhere else!

QC Newsletter September 2018 - Walk Off Mats

Walk Off Mats

With fall just around the   corner, now is the time to pick up some walk off mats!

When the leaves and needles start falling from the trees, all that dirt and debris can be left at the door. Saving  you vacuuming time and ultimately, keeping your carpets clean longer. So grab a mat and help save your carpets life!

QC Newsletter September 2018 - Back to School Mystery Stains

Back to School Mystery Stains ???

Its time for the kids to head back to school and hopefully for you to slow down.  You might start noticing a spot or stain here or there you didn’t see before.  Hey... that wasn’t on the couch before summer! Or that spill wasn’t on the carpet!  We are here to help!  At Quick and Clean we can conquer those kid (or husband) stains.  First, your fabric is pre-treated with a safe and powerful cleaning agent to break down stuck in dirt and grease.  The cleaning agent is groomed in to the fabric and rinsed with our truck mounted system.  Any remaining spots like gum, wax, nail polish, drink spills, crayons, food, etc are treated with one of our spotting agents.  Our technicians are experienced in  every type of “kid stain” imaginable!

Call us today for your free quote and don’t forgot our special upholstery cleaning coupon on the back!

QC Newsletter September 2018 - Back to School Special

Back to School Special

15% off Upholstery Cleaning

One coupon per household, not valid on commercial/rental properties, not to be combined with any other offers. (Minimums apply) 

Expires 9/30/18

QC Newsletter September 2018 - Fun Trivia

Fun Trivia

1. What is the largest fish in the ocean?

2. What is the most popular drink in the world that does not contain alcohol?

3. What is the most common blood type in humans?

4. What is the only word in English ending in the letters ‘mt’?

5. Which is the largest planet in the solar system?

6. Which is the only vowel on a standard keyboard that is not on the top line of the letters?

7. Does sound travel faster through water or steel?

8.  What is the only manmade object that is observable from the moon?


Answers: 1. A Whale Shark    2. Coffee    3. Type O    4. Dreamt    5. Jupiter    6. A       7. Steel    8. The Great Wall of China

QC Newsletter September 2018 - Top Terrible Stains

Removing the Top Terrible Stains

Here are some home products to help you in a pinch to get out those top terrible stains!

Blood: Rinse blood quickly with cool water. Follow with an approved cleaning solution or a mix of ¼ teaspoon clear (non bleach, non lanolin) dishwashing liquid with one cup cool water. Blot and dry quickly.

Dye and food stains: Beverages, medicines, cosmetics, foods and other liquids containing dyes, should be absorbed first.  Then try the liquid dishwashing solution described in the blood remedy.  Blot, repeat and rinse with clear water on a clean, white towel or white paper towel. Dry. Depending on the substance involved, it may require professional cleaning.

Fingernail polish: Can be removed using a non-acetone fingernail polish remover. Apply a small amount of remover on a white cloth and work it in from the edges of the spill to the center. Blot the area using a lukewarm tap water. Dry with a clean cloth.

1nk (ballpoint pen): Comes off with rubbing alcohol (70 % isopropyl) applied to a cloth or paper towel. Don’t pour rubbing alcohol directly on the spot.

Paint (latex): Responds to the detergent solution described in the blood remedy. Blot, repeat and dry. Other types of paint such as enamel or oil require other responses.

Urine or vomit: Left unattended, can damage carpet in several ways. Always clean these up immediately with paper towels.  For pet urine, (pick up any semi-solids with a spoon or spatula)  try a solution of one part white vinegar and one part water. Blot and repeat if needed.

Rust: Almost always requires professional services because of the chemicals involved.

Wax (paraffin from candles): Responds best when medium heat from an iron is applied to a clean white cloth or paper towel, which is placed over the wax spill. Repeat the heat application to the towel as the wax is absorbed.  Sometimes dyes in wax won’t come out and fibers will have to be cut and the area replaced with a carpet insert.

Wine: Comes out with the same dishwashing detergent solution found in the blood remedy. Blot, repeat and dry. Call a professional if the stain persists.

Tips provided by The Carpet and Rug Institute

Monday, August 6, 2018

QC Newsletter August 2018 - Back to School Special

Back to School Special 

15% Off Protectant

One coupon per household, not valid on commercial/rental properties, not to be combined with any other offers. 
(Minimums apply) 

Expires 8/31/18

QC Newsletter August 2018 - Portland Saturday Market

Portland Saturday Market
Open Every Weekend - March - Christmas Eve
Saturdays 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sundays 11:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

2 SW Naito Parkway
Portland, OR 97204

Welcome to Portland Saturday Market. Operating since 1974, this is the largest continually operating outdoor arts and crafts market in the nation. Located in Portland's historic Old Town, the Market is the most popular shopping destination for local handcrafted goods.

Offering a unique opportunity for people to meet over 350 local NW artists and craftspeople who   create the art they're selling. Live, local music and a plethora of exotic foods top off this remarkable Saturday and Sunday event.

QC Newsletter August 2018 - Six Reasons You Should Always Get Carpet Protector

Six Reasons You Should Always Get Carpet Protector

1. Reduces Permanent Stains - An ugly spot can ruin a great looking carpet. Unprotected carpet doesn’t repel spillage as well as protected carpet. You will be able to remove spots and spills more effectively and allows you to avoid permanent staining.

2. Helps Save Your Traffic Areas From Becoming Destroyed - Traffic area soil is very abrasive and cuts  carpet yarns like a knife. This damaging soil can easily bond to an unprotected carpet. By applying       protector, you will increase the life of your carpet dramatically. When you vacuum your protected       carpet, the soils will release from the carpet pile much more effectively.

3. Makes Spots Easier to Remove - The easier a spot is to remove, the less amount of cleaning solution you will have to apply, the less agitation you will have to use and the less time it will take. Many spots can be easily removed with just water.

4. Makes Your Next Professional Cleaning More Effective - Having protector applied to your carpet will enhance your next cleaning. More soil will be removed the next time your carpeting is professionally cleaned.

5. Helps Avoid Costly Service Calls - Although you want to call us to handle any spot you cannot remove immediately, carpet protector helps you remove more spots than you could without protector. You may be able to save yourself a service call by removing the spot yourself.

6. Increases the Life of Your Carpet - The result of having protector applied to your carpet is that your   carpet will look better and increase the life of your carpet.

Call us today for a free quote on carpet cleaning and protectant! 503-638-4100

QC Newsletter August 2018 - Upholstery Cleaning

Upholstery Cleaning

Step 1: Fabric Testing
Your fabric will be tested for fiber type and dye stability.

Step 2: Area Prep
We will prepare the area where the upholstery will be cleaned to protect your surrounding furnishings.

Step 3: Pre-Vacuum
Dry soil will be removed before cleaning.

Step 4: Pre-Treat
Depending on your fabric, it will be pre-treated to “suspend” bonded soil.

Step 5: Pre-Spot
Any potentially difficult spots will be pre-treated with special solutions to increase chance of removal.

Step 6: Pre-Groom
The fabric will then be gently groomed using soft upholstery brushes to loosen the spot.

Step 7: Soil Extraction and Rinse
The soil is then extracted from the fabric with a gentle controlled rinse.

Step 8: Neutralize
The fabric is then pH balanced to maintain it’s soft fresh feel.

Step 9: Post Spot
Any remaining spots will be treated with special stain removal products.

Step 10: Post Groom
The upholstery will then be prepared for drying with a gentle combing of the fabric.

Step 11: Speed Dry
High velocity air movers will be place on the upholstery to speed dry the fabric.

Step 12: Post Cleaning Inspection
Our technician will review the cleaning results with you to insure that your expectations have been met or exceeded.

Call today for your free quote!