Friday, December 28, 2018

QC Blast - January Special !

January Special!

15% Off All Cleaning Services

QC Blast January 2019 - Mystery Stains???

Mystery Stains???

Now that the holidays are over, do you know what color your carpets are? We can help!

Call today for a free quote on getting out all those “mystery”  stains that may have popped up from Thanksgiving and Christmas.  No hidden charges, no extra fees. Our commitment to you is to provide the most outstanding service experience ever. Check out our Google reviews and website for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!

QC Blast January 2019 - Is Your Upholster Really Clean?

Is Your Upholstery Really Clean? Take the Test!

If you want to find how much soil is actually on your upholstery that “looks” clean, simply take a white terry cloth towel and put it over the end of your vacuum attachment hose.

 Turn the vacuum on (be sure that you don’t let the vacuum suck up the towel). Gently massage the fabric with the cloth. If you have a round dark spot that’s soil embedded in the fabric.  Give us a call because it time to clean your upholstery! 

QC Blast January 2019 - New Addition?

New Addition?

Did you get a new addition for Christmas?   No I’m not talking about a new baby....  Well, human baby that is! I’m talking about a new PUPPY!

As wonderful as having a new puppy is, it   can come with it’s own set of challenges. So here are some tips to help you out when puppy puddles are putting you in a particular predicament!

First of all, if you have a puppy that is prone to urinate on the carpet, take a quick walk through your home each day when you get home. The quicker you get to a pet stain the better.

To clean a urine spot: Try Biokleen Bac-out (green product located at Fred Meyer, Target, Thriftway), sprtiz on, let sit for 30 minutes and blot off with a white damp cloth.

Still need help? Call us for a free quote!

QC Newsletter November 2018 - Referal Rewads!

Referral Rewards Program!

Do you know about our referral rewards program?  You can earn CASH or SERVICES!  Your choice!

For each new client we receive as a referral from you, we will send you a certificate worth 10% of what that client spends with us.*     

The referral certificate can be redeemed for cash or services. Your Choice!

So start referring your family, friends or co-workers today!

*Maximum of $100.00 per referral

QC Newsletter November 2018 - Benefits of Carpet and Rugs

Benefits of Carpet and Rugs

Improves Indoor Air Quality

New carpet is the lowest VOC-emitting  flooring choice available. It actually acts as a passive air filter, trapping dust, pollen and other particles.  Removing them from the breathing zone. Studies have shown that people with asthma and allergy problems have seen symptoms improve with carpet.

Provides Warmth and Comfort

Carpet provides actual thermal resistance,  or R-value. In colder climates or seasons, it retains warm air longer, an energy conservation benefit. Carpet also provides a comfortable place to sit, play or work and gives a room an overall warmer feeling.

Softens Slips and Falls

Carpet is ideal for cushioning our footsteps, reducing slips, falls and minimizing injuries when falls do occur. Carpet provides safety protection for the whole family, but especially for toddlers and older individuals.

Reduces Noise

Big screen TVs, speaker phones, computers and modern sound systems make our homes noisy places. Carpet helps absorb these sounds. Adding a cushion pad beneath your carpet reduces noise even further. Carpet also works as a sound barrier between floors by helping to block sound transmission to rooms below. Also, carpet on stairs helps mask the sound of constant foot traffic.

QC Newsletter November 2018 - Four Steps For Proper Carpet Care

Four Steps For Proper Carpet Care

Carpet cleaning is just like exercise! If you get into a routine and keep it up, you will see great    results and feel better for it. Products that rate highly on CRI’s Seal of Approval (SOA) program  are your assurance that you will clean correctly the first time. 

Here are four simple steps to keep your carpet clean and looking great:​
Vacuum high traffic areas daily and everywhere according to a vacuuming schedule, using a Seal of Approval-certified vacuum.  Clean spots and spills quickly with products that do not damage the carpet or cause it to resoil quicker.  Professionally deep clean your carpets every 12 to 18 months to remove embedded dirt and grime.  Stop dirt at the door by using mats outside and inside.  Also, taking your shoes off when you enter the house and changing your air filters will reduce airborne dust particles.

The Seal of Approval Program
CRI wants vacuums, extractors, cleaning systems and cleaning products to be as effective as  possible. The Seal of Approval program is the only one in the industry that scientifically measures cleaning efficacy. The results help consumers make informed decisions, and manufacturers improve their products. So carpets are cleaner, healthier and last longer.

​Basic Rug Care
Rugs deserve the same care as wall-to-wall carpet and, in some cases, require special attention.

Washing rugs — If your rug is small and the label says “machine washable,” shake the rug outside first and then put it in the washing machine at the recommended temperature. Use warm water  (90 to 105 degrees) and a mild detergent. Tumble your rug dry at the lowest heat setting.

Beating larger rugs — If your larger rug is easy to pick up, shake it outside first; then put it over a clothesline and beat it. Next, take the rug inside and vacuum it. Many carpet cleaning professionals have rug cleaning expertise as well, but, if the label says dry clean only, do not attempt to clean it! Take it to a professional!

Vacuuming area rugs — Area rugs with fringe require special technique. Use gentle suction and start from the center of the carpet, vacuuming toward the fringe and being careful not to catch the strands in the beater bar. Lift the carpet edge to vacuum beneath the fringe.

Caring for Oriental, Turkish or Persian rugs — Clean imported rugs according to your carpet manufacturer’s specifications or bring in a professional cleaning service. Be gentle with fringe. For heirloom-type rugs, you need professionals.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

QC Newsletter October 2018 - Halloween Spooktacular Fun!

Halloween Spooktacular Fun!!!

Lee Farms - Pumpkin Patch
21975 SW 65th Ave, Tualatin
Saturdays and Sundays
Sept 22nd - Oct 31st

Pumpkin Regatta Festival
8325 SW Nyberg St, Tualatin
October 20th - 10am - 4pm
West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta is a race across the lake in giant pumpkins, a 5K run, pumpkin carving, music, entertainment, kids’ crafts, costume Contest and food & drink vendors.

The Maize at the Pumpkin Patch
16511 NW Gillihan Rd, Portland
Sept - Open daily 10am-6pm
Oct - Sun thru Thur 10am - 6pm
Fri - Sat 10am - 10pm

Howloween at the Zoo
4001 Southwest Canyon Rd, Portland
October 20 th- 28th (weekends)
9:30am - 3pm

Not-So-Scary Halloween at the Children’s Museum
4015 Southwest Canyon Road, Portland
October 28th - 10am - 2pm
Features trick-or-treat bag decorating, a pumpkin smash, spooky stories, glow-in-the-dark painting, a costume dance party and trick-or-treating.

Davis Graveyard Haunted Yard
8703 SE 43rd Ave, Milwaukie
October 1st - 31st 
See Davis Graveyard in Milwaukie any day, or after dusk to see the lights, or wait for special effects on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings plus Oct. 31. View it from the street since the fence is closed. Free

House of Shadows Haunted House  
1776 NW Fairview Dr, Gresham
October 5th - Nov. 3rd (starts Sept. 28)

13th Door Haunted House
 3855 SW Murray Blvd, Beaverton 
October 5th - Nov. 3rd (starts Sept. 28)

Milburn’s Haunted House
11503 Broadacres Rd NE, Hubbard
October 5th - 31st
A haunted house, a dark scare, a lit pumpkin patch, and covered lines to keep you dry in Hubbard

Fear Asylum Haunted House
13121 SE McLoughlin Blvd, Milwaukie
Oct 5 - Oct 31st 
Friday - Sunday

QC Newsletter October 2018 - Spooktacular Specials!

Spooktacular Specials!

Clean 3 Rooms Get a Hallway Free!

One coupon per household, not valid on commercial/rental properties, not to be combined with any other offers. (Minimums apply)  Expires 10/31/18

QC Newsletter October 2018 - Dust Mites!

Dust Mites: Everything You Might Not Want To Know!

Just thinking of these dust mites living in your pillow by the millions, eating your dead skin and hair is enough to make you sick (literally and figuratively). The are a major cause of asthma and allergies; especially in vulnerable individuals, such as children and the elderly.

According to the American College of Asthma, Allergy & Immunology, approximately 10% of Americans exhibit allergic sensitivity to dust mites. The American Lung Associations tells us "Dust mites are not parasites; they don't bite, sting or burrow into our bodies. The harmful allergen they create comes from their fecal pellets and body fragments.

Dust mites are nearly everywhere; roughly four out of five homes in the United States have detectable levels of dust mite allergen in at least one bed." Don't you feel better now, know they don't bite or sting; and your allergic reaction is only due to burying your face in a pillow full of their feces?  And you may feel better knowing, according to WebMD, that "Dust mites like to eat dead skin from pets and humans. You probably shed enough skin a day to feed a million dust mites."

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Allergies to Dust Mites:

The protein substances in the dust mite feces produces antibodies in humans who are allergic when these are inhaled or touch the skin. These antibodies cause the release of histamines which causes to nasal congestion, swelling and irritation of the upper respiratory passages. The Mayo Clinic, WebMD and NIH collectively provide this list of typical symptoms of an  allergy to dust mites;  You may experience all or just some of them:

Hay fever, watering eyes, runny nose, sneezing, asthma, difficulty in breathing,itchy, red or watery eyes. Nasal congestion, itchy nose, roof of mouth or throat, postnasal drip, cough, facial pressure and pain. Frequent awakening, swollen or blue-colored skin under your eyes.

So you might be thinking, EW! What can I do?? Here’s a list of some things you can do:

  • Wash all linens weekly in hot water and dry in hot dryer
  • Vaccum all carpets and upholstery with Hepa filters vacuum cleaners
  • Wash all toys, stuffed animals, other fabric items, etc in hot water and hot dryer
  • Freeze items that can’t be washed in plastic bags for 24 hours

Have carpets steamed cleaned regularly to kill dust mites!

Monday, August 27, 2018

QC Newsletter September 2018 - FaceBook

Did you know Quick and Clean has a FaceBook page? 

Click “like” our page for inclusive tips and offers you won’t see anywhere else!

QC Newsletter September 2018 - Walk Off Mats

Walk Off Mats

With fall just around the   corner, now is the time to pick up some walk off mats!

When the leaves and needles start falling from the trees, all that dirt and debris can be left at the door. Saving  you vacuuming time and ultimately, keeping your carpets clean longer. So grab a mat and help save your carpets life!

QC Newsletter September 2018 - Back to School Mystery Stains

Back to School Mystery Stains ???

Its time for the kids to head back to school and hopefully for you to slow down.  You might start noticing a spot or stain here or there you didn’t see before.  Hey... that wasn’t on the couch before summer! Or that spill wasn’t on the carpet!  We are here to help!  At Quick and Clean we can conquer those kid (or husband) stains.  First, your fabric is pre-treated with a safe and powerful cleaning agent to break down stuck in dirt and grease.  The cleaning agent is groomed in to the fabric and rinsed with our truck mounted system.  Any remaining spots like gum, wax, nail polish, drink spills, crayons, food, etc are treated with one of our spotting agents.  Our technicians are experienced in  every type of “kid stain” imaginable!

Call us today for your free quote and don’t forgot our special upholstery cleaning coupon on the back!

QC Newsletter September 2018 - Back to School Special

Back to School Special

15% off Upholstery Cleaning

One coupon per household, not valid on commercial/rental properties, not to be combined with any other offers. (Minimums apply) 

Expires 9/30/18

QC Newsletter September 2018 - Fun Trivia

Fun Trivia

1. What is the largest fish in the ocean?

2. What is the most popular drink in the world that does not contain alcohol?

3. What is the most common blood type in humans?

4. What is the only word in English ending in the letters ‘mt’?

5. Which is the largest planet in the solar system?

6. Which is the only vowel on a standard keyboard that is not on the top line of the letters?

7. Does sound travel faster through water or steel?

8.  What is the only manmade object that is observable from the moon?


Answers: 1. A Whale Shark    2. Coffee    3. Type O    4. Dreamt    5. Jupiter    6. A       7. Steel    8. The Great Wall of China

QC Newsletter September 2018 - Top Terrible Stains

Removing the Top Terrible Stains

Here are some home products to help you in a pinch to get out those top terrible stains!

Blood: Rinse blood quickly with cool water. Follow with an approved cleaning solution or a mix of ¼ teaspoon clear (non bleach, non lanolin) dishwashing liquid with one cup cool water. Blot and dry quickly.

Dye and food stains: Beverages, medicines, cosmetics, foods and other liquids containing dyes, should be absorbed first.  Then try the liquid dishwashing solution described in the blood remedy.  Blot, repeat and rinse with clear water on a clean, white towel or white paper towel. Dry. Depending on the substance involved, it may require professional cleaning.

Fingernail polish: Can be removed using a non-acetone fingernail polish remover. Apply a small amount of remover on a white cloth and work it in from the edges of the spill to the center. Blot the area using a lukewarm tap water. Dry with a clean cloth.

1nk (ballpoint pen): Comes off with rubbing alcohol (70 % isopropyl) applied to a cloth or paper towel. Don’t pour rubbing alcohol directly on the spot.

Paint (latex): Responds to the detergent solution described in the blood remedy. Blot, repeat and dry. Other types of paint such as enamel or oil require other responses.

Urine or vomit: Left unattended, can damage carpet in several ways. Always clean these up immediately with paper towels.  For pet urine, (pick up any semi-solids with a spoon or spatula)  try a solution of one part white vinegar and one part water. Blot and repeat if needed.

Rust: Almost always requires professional services because of the chemicals involved.

Wax (paraffin from candles): Responds best when medium heat from an iron is applied to a clean white cloth or paper towel, which is placed over the wax spill. Repeat the heat application to the towel as the wax is absorbed.  Sometimes dyes in wax won’t come out and fibers will have to be cut and the area replaced with a carpet insert.

Wine: Comes out with the same dishwashing detergent solution found in the blood remedy. Blot, repeat and dry. Call a professional if the stain persists.

Tips provided by The Carpet and Rug Institute

Monday, August 6, 2018

QC Newsletter August 2018 - Back to School Special

Back to School Special 

15% Off Protectant

One coupon per household, not valid on commercial/rental properties, not to be combined with any other offers. 
(Minimums apply) 

Expires 8/31/18

QC Newsletter August 2018 - Portland Saturday Market

Portland Saturday Market
Open Every Weekend - March - Christmas Eve
Saturdays 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sundays 11:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

2 SW Naito Parkway
Portland, OR 97204

Welcome to Portland Saturday Market. Operating since 1974, this is the largest continually operating outdoor arts and crafts market in the nation. Located in Portland's historic Old Town, the Market is the most popular shopping destination for local handcrafted goods.

Offering a unique opportunity for people to meet over 350 local NW artists and craftspeople who   create the art they're selling. Live, local music and a plethora of exotic foods top off this remarkable Saturday and Sunday event.

QC Newsletter August 2018 - Six Reasons You Should Always Get Carpet Protector

Six Reasons You Should Always Get Carpet Protector

1. Reduces Permanent Stains - An ugly spot can ruin a great looking carpet. Unprotected carpet doesn’t repel spillage as well as protected carpet. You will be able to remove spots and spills more effectively and allows you to avoid permanent staining.

2. Helps Save Your Traffic Areas From Becoming Destroyed - Traffic area soil is very abrasive and cuts  carpet yarns like a knife. This damaging soil can easily bond to an unprotected carpet. By applying       protector, you will increase the life of your carpet dramatically. When you vacuum your protected       carpet, the soils will release from the carpet pile much more effectively.

3. Makes Spots Easier to Remove - The easier a spot is to remove, the less amount of cleaning solution you will have to apply, the less agitation you will have to use and the less time it will take. Many spots can be easily removed with just water.

4. Makes Your Next Professional Cleaning More Effective - Having protector applied to your carpet will enhance your next cleaning. More soil will be removed the next time your carpeting is professionally cleaned.

5. Helps Avoid Costly Service Calls - Although you want to call us to handle any spot you cannot remove immediately, carpet protector helps you remove more spots than you could without protector. You may be able to save yourself a service call by removing the spot yourself.

6. Increases the Life of Your Carpet - The result of having protector applied to your carpet is that your   carpet will look better and increase the life of your carpet.

Call us today for a free quote on carpet cleaning and protectant! 503-638-4100

QC Newsletter August 2018 - Upholstery Cleaning

Upholstery Cleaning

Step 1: Fabric Testing
Your fabric will be tested for fiber type and dye stability.

Step 2: Area Prep
We will prepare the area where the upholstery will be cleaned to protect your surrounding furnishings.

Step 3: Pre-Vacuum
Dry soil will be removed before cleaning.

Step 4: Pre-Treat
Depending on your fabric, it will be pre-treated to “suspend” bonded soil.

Step 5: Pre-Spot
Any potentially difficult spots will be pre-treated with special solutions to increase chance of removal.

Step 6: Pre-Groom
The fabric will then be gently groomed using soft upholstery brushes to loosen the spot.

Step 7: Soil Extraction and Rinse
The soil is then extracted from the fabric with a gentle controlled rinse.

Step 8: Neutralize
The fabric is then pH balanced to maintain it’s soft fresh feel.

Step 9: Post Spot
Any remaining spots will be treated with special stain removal products.

Step 10: Post Groom
The upholstery will then be prepared for drying with a gentle combing of the fabric.

Step 11: Speed Dry
High velocity air movers will be place on the upholstery to speed dry the fabric.

Step 12: Post Cleaning Inspection
Our technician will review the cleaning results with you to insure that your expectations have been met or exceeded.

Call today for your free quote!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

QC Newsletter July 2018 - New Brochure!

Here is our new brochure! We are very excited about it, lots of great information.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

QC Newsletter June 2018 - Summer Special

Summer Special 

15% off
Hardwood Floor 

One coupon per household, not valid on commercial/rental properties, not to be combined with any other offers. (Minimums apply) 

Expires 6/30/18

QC Newsletter June 2018 - Vacuuming Too Much?

Did you know you can never vacuum a carpet "too much"?? It's true! It will never damage the fibers.

The only exception would be if you have have the brush/bar sitting on the carpet and beat the fibers out of it.

Vacuuming daily will only increase the life of your rugs and carpet! Turn on the music and get goin'!

QC Newsletter June 2018 - Beware of Summer's Hot Asphalt!

Beware of Summer’s Hot Asphalt!

Paws will get burned! So beware!

      Air   Asphalt
Temperature             Temperature

 86° ............................135°

 87° ............................143°

At 125° skin destruction can occur in just 60 seconds. 
Always check the asphalt prior to allowing your pet to walk on it.

Tip: If it’s too hot for your bare feet is too hot for theirs!

QC Newsletter June 2018 - Summer Movie Pass!

Regal Cinemas presents family fun movies playing on 
Tuesdays & Wednesdays for the summertime!

Admission to the Summer Movie Express is only $1. Tickets available for purchase at the box office and all movies in  most locations start at 10:00 am. Check with your theater for exact showtimes. Each week both movies play on both days. A portion of the proceeds goes to the Will Rogers Institute.

Both movies play on both days!

6/19 & 6/20 - Storks
Mr Peabody & Sherman

6/26 & 6/27 - Despicable Me 2
How to Train Your Dragon 2

7/3 & 7/4 - The Lego Move
Alvin and the Chipmunks

7/10& 7/11 - Sing 
The Peanuts Movie

7/17 & 7/18 - The Lego Ninjago Movie

7/24& 7/25 - The Secret Life of Pets
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel

7/31 & 8/1 - The Lego Batman Movie

8/7 & 8/8 - Minons
The Boss Baby

8/14 & 8/15 - Paddington 2
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie

8/21 & 8/22 - Despicable Me 3
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked

For more info, check out this website:   

QC Newsletter June 2018 - Hardwood Floor Cleaning

Hardwood Floor Cleaning

Did you know Quick and Clean can clean your hardwood floors with a dust free process?  This maintenance process is designed to help you avoid the dust storm that comes with sanding!  This process will not restore areas that have been damaged from water or areas worn from loss of polyurethane or deep scratches.  This product is specially formulated for heavy traffic on residential and commercial hardwood floors.  It provides unmatched durability among such environmentally friendly floor finishes.

This is our 6-Step Process

1.  Pre-Inspection - We first determine if the floor contain any wax, oily residue, or other contaminants which may affect the adhesion of a new finish.  We also find out what method is needed.

2.  Area Preparation - All movable furniture will be moved prior to cleaning.

3.  Dry Soil Removal - Our technicians thoroughly remove any lose debris, maximizing the results we obtain.  Just like any cleaning process, dry soil removal is most important.

4.  Cleaning - The cleaning process, depending on the service needed, included wood safe cleaners and  state-of-the-art equipment which PRODUCES NO DUST WHATSOVER!  Surface accumulations of     common household pollutants such as food residues or pet oils are removed without abrading your floor to expose any bare wood.

5.  Drying - Because of the equipment we use the floors dry very quickly allowing you to walk on your floors almost immediately.

6.  Post-Inspection - Technicians will initiate a walk through and go over results before leaving.

Optional Preservation Coat

This is a finish we can put on after the cleaning process.  This helps to hide scratches and imperfections it also protects your original finish.  By applying this coating it can help to preserve your original finish so you can put off having to re-finishing your floors for years.  Imagine putting off or never having to live through that dust.... This preservation coat lasts about two to three years depending on traffic on your floors. 

Friday, April 27, 2018

QC Newsletter May - Mothers Day Special

Mothers Day Special

Clean 3 Rooms
Get a 5x7 Area Rug 
Cleaned Free!*

One coupon per household, not valid on commercial/rental properties, 
not to be combined with any other offers. 
(Minimums apply) 
*Synthetic only  

Expires 5/31/18

QC Newsletter May 2018 - Techniques to Keep Your Carpet Clean Longer

Techniques to Keep Your Carpet Clean Longer

One of your carpets main benefits is that it serves as a home air filter.  It traps dirt and allergens in its fibers and making the air healthier and safer to breathe. One square foot of carpet can trap as much as a pound of dirt and dust so it’s important to plan out a cleaning regimen that combines regular vacuuming with periodic professional cleanings. 

Vacuuming the floors weekly can significantly impact the appearance and enhance the health of your home. Using a vacuum that contains a HEPA filter or microfiltration  system on your carpets and rugs helps remove particles from the surface of your carpet. Twice weekly is even better! It’s recommended to have your carpets professionally cleaned every 12-18 months, making a cleaner, healthier  living environment.

When choosing a carpet cleaning professional, there are many things to consider. Our company is an IICRC certified firm.  So what are the benefits of hiring an ICRC certifed firm? Just as any professional performs at a higher level of competency in their fields, IICRC Certified Technicians set themselves apart through training, experience, and comprehensive examination. The examinations consist of the successful completion of one or more of the 28 certifications courses available. An    IICRC Certified Firm must first employ one or more IICRC Certified Technicians and apply with the IICRC to become a Certified Firm.  They also promise to adhere to the IICRC Code of Ethics, be current in their business insurance and licensee requirements, and can proudly display the IICRC logo on their company website and    vehicles.

After a thorough cleaning, to resist everyday staining and soiling of your carpet,  our cleaning service can add protectant that coats the fibers of your carpet, area rug, upholstery, etc to allow you a window of opportunity to clean up a spill before it causes permanent damage.

Keeping your carpets cleaned on a regular schedule can give them a revitalized look and feel. Increase the life of your carpet and protects your investment.  These helpful tips can also reduce allergens and bacteria.  Creating a safer, healthier environment in your home or office. 

Call us today for you free quote on carpet cleaning today at 503-638-4100.

QC Newsletter May 2018 - How to Care For Your Area Rugs

How to Care For Your Area Rugs by Ruth Travis

Padding – A quality pad used under your rug helps protect it from damage, wear and slippage. Every rug needs one. For a flat weave, use rubber waffle pad and for a thick hand knotted or tufted, use rubber backed synthetic felt.  Always replace the pad if the rug has had pet contamination.

Vacuuming – Like most carpeting, rugs should be vacuumed at least weekly to remove dry soil, lint, and hair. If in an entryway, vacuum more often. Be cautious not to vacuum the fringe with your brush bar! Use the end of a vacuum hose from a canister vacuum. Every few months turn the rug face down on a clean, dry smooth surface and vacuum to vibrate out the embedded dry soil.

Rotation – To ensure even wear, your rug should be rotated. Depending on the traffic, the rotation may vary from every six months to once a year.

Spot and Spill Procedures

Make sure that you safely and immediately clean up spots and spills before they set.
  1. Scoop up or scrape the solids off of the carpet or rug
  2. Soak or blot up the excess liquid by blotting with a clean absorbent material. Do not brush or scrub the stain.
  3. Always work from the edge of the spot inwards
  4. Then spot clean with a WoolSafe-approved spotter  or mild liquid laundry    detergent solution mixed 1/2 teaspoon with 1-quart water. Apply small quantities at a time, applied to a cloth, NOT directly to the spot; work into the spot with a small brush or sponge
  5. Do not over wet.  Blot dry until most of the moisture has been absorbed and color is no longer visible on the towel.
  6. Rinse area thoroughly with a mixture of 6-parts water to one part white distilled vinegar. Avoid wetting the rug’s backing.
  7. Dry completely. A fan or cool hair dryer can be used to speed up the drying process.
  8. Some stains or animal contamination you may find impossible to remove completely in which case the assistance of a professional may be required.
  9. For stains that do not come out using these methods, contact us at 503-638-4100 for a free quote!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

QC Newsletter Spring Special 2018 - Coupon

Spring Special 

Clean 3 Rooms 
Get A Hall 
or Stairs
     Cleaned Free!

One coupon per household, not valid on commercial/rental properties, 
not to be combined with any other offers. 
(Minimums apply)  

Expires 3/31/18

QC Newsletter March 2018 - Trivia Fun!

Trivia Fun!

1. In 1986, Apple launched a clothing line.

2. Between 1900 and 1920, Tug of War was an Olympic event.

3. The word "unfriend" appeared in print all the way back in 1659.

4. Google was originally named BackRub.

5. Before Stephen Hillenburg created SpongeBob SquarePants, he taught marine biology.

6. Some cats are allergic to humans.

7. There are roughly 70 ingredients in the McRib.

8. The American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-V handbook classifies caffeine withdrawal as a       mental disorder.

9. In 19th-century Britain, opium for babies was marketed under the name "Quietness."

10. Sea otters hold hands when they sleep so they don't drift apart.

11. The Pledge of Allegiance was written as part of a plan to sell flags to schools.

12. The most shoplifted food item in the U.S. is candy.

QC Newsletter March 2018 - 2018 Trending Carpet Types

2018 Trending Carpet Types

Waterproof Carpet - You guys, you guys, you guys!! Yes with 2 exclamation points because I am so excited to tell you about waterproof carpet.  I don’t know about you but those are two terms I never thought I’d see together. Of course, there has been a pretty big movement in waterproof outdoor carpet over the last decade, fully waterproof indoor broadloom carpet has been unheard of......until now.

Shaw is leading the way with their incredible new LifeGuard technology that makes these new carpets 100% waterproof. That means you can now use carpet in any room in the house. Want to get out of the shower and feel the soft, warm, soft carpet under your feet rather than hard, cold tile? Go for it! These waterproof carpets won’t soak up the water and stain or get moldy (yuck!); instead, you can easily clean up any liquids in seconds without them soaking in for the long haul.

Although Shaw is leading the pack for the time being, my hunch is that other manufacturers will jump on board and within the next decade, you’ll see waterproof carpets all over the place.

Recycled Carpet - The recycled flooring trend is hot all around this year. Carpet just happens to be at the forefront of the environmentally responsible flooring movement.  We’ve reached a time where the young homeowner demographic is comprised, primarily, of millennial's. Not to pigeonhole an entire demographic, but as a group, millennial's tend to care a lot about the brands they purchase from and how their purchases impact society, the environment and more.

It’s not enough to sell gorgeous floors at a low price. Manufacturers and retailers alike need to bring something likable and respectable to the table.

You’ve seen that Dawn commercial with the little bird and their soap, right? That is the stuff people care about these  days and with the ability to reduce our carbon footprint using recycled materials.  To not jump in headfirst would just be irresponsible because “green” or eco-friendly flooring is so big right now, almost all carpet is now being made from recycled materials, at least in part. You’ll see various types of recycled materials but one of the most innovative ideas are the Foss PET carpet tiles. These unique carpet tiles are made using recycled plastic soda bottles. Pretty neat, huh?

Manufacturers are making strides in making the carpet itself more recyclable, saving the landfills from a portion of the 3.5 billion pounds of carpet tossed each year, according to Fast Company. Mohawk is currently leading this movement but I have a hunch the other manufacturers will jump on board.

Cut and Loop Carpet -  Cut and loop is exactly what it sounds like: carpet that combines the construction of both cut and loop carpets. The cut carpets look like loops that have just been cut in half.  When you combine cuts and loops, you are able to create unique, stylish patterns and textures. You’ve probably seen this a lot in rugs. When you run your hand along the rug and you can feel the contrasting textures? That is usually cut and loop carpeting.

Patterns are super in right now across all floor types and these cut and loop patterned carpets have been going strong for several years now. While it’s not typically a whole home look, they are great for rugs and areas where you want to make more of a statement.

Frieze Carpet - Frieze is also known as “twist” carpet and it refers to carpet where each piece of the carpet is twisted many times, making it look almost curly.  You know when you sleep with your hair in a braid and then it has it’s kinda wavy the next day? That’s how frieze carpet looks.

They say trends tend to recycle themselves every 30 years or so. Remember how 5-10 years ago every clothing store looked like the ‘80s called and wanted their wardrobe back?  Well, do you remember the 1970s shag carpet? I mean, how could you forget!

Now, the 70’s called. They don’t want their shag rugs back because they were actually not very cute.
But! The new, updated frieze carpets inspired by the shag carpet texture are super cute and tremendously popular. A little time and technology go a long way and, now, carpet manufacturers have taken an outdated fad and come up with a trendy new twist. (<-- intended="" nbsp="" p="" pun="">
Carpet Tiles - A DIY dream! Carpet is notorious for being bulky, cumbersome and nearly impossible to replace. With broadloom carpet, if you damage or stain just one small area, you typically have the replace the entire thing. It is the worst.  Carpet tiles have changed all that! Gosh, we love them so much it’s hard not to sound like an infomercial. But they’re just so…mellow? Easy? Yes and yes.

One main advantage to carpet tiles is that they’re wonderful for families and pets. One spot gets damaged? No problem! Simply take out that one tile and replace it with a new one. The days of replacing your entire floor are over.

In fact, carpet tiles are the biggest carpet trend for basements, in particular. Many come with waterproof options and they are perfect for temperamental, water-prone basements.  Carpet tiles also give you the ability to install your carpet yourself, especially with peel and stick options.

Not to mention, the options for patterns and colors are endless!  You’ll see everything from checkered floors to intricate patterns and more. If you love choices, carpet tiles are for you.

For more information on carpet trends, colors and more check out this website at

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

QC Newsletter February 2018 - Leather Cleaning

Leather Cleaning

There are several types of leathers and finishes.  No two should be treated and cared for exactly the same. So, those one-type-clean-all, do-it-yourself cleaning products can actually create more harm than good.  Certified    technicians are trained to recognize and care for all types of leather. They are able to respond with custom cleaning techniques and procedures that minimize problems before they arise and return leather furnishing to a clean, sanitary state.  

QC Newsletter February 2018 - Walk Off Mats

Walk Off Mats!

This time of year walk off  mats are especially important.  Tracking in dirt, pine needles, debris, mud that gets ground into your carpet can be lessened with walk off mats!  So grab a mat and help save your carpets life!

QC Newsletter February 2018 - How to Keep Your Home Clean and Healthy All Year!

How to Keep Your Home Clean and Healthy All Year!

Why is Winter the Best Time for Cleaning?

You’re cooped up inside. The risk of colds, flu, virus and allergies are rampant. Dirt, germs, food particles, grease, dust, pet dander, asphalt, pollen, mold, dead skin cells and other debris settles down in carpets, bedding and  upholstery. Your environment may look clean but it’s very unhealthy. You have heard the hype about indoor air being more polluted then outdoor air? It’s true!

4 Ways You Can Get a Healthier Home

1. Safe powerful cleaning agents made specifically to get the best cleaning results.

2. No mold or allergen growth because your carpet dries fast.

3.  Hot water extraction is 180 degrees or higher for carpet, tile and upholstery to kill germs.

4.  Soils are extracted outside into our powerful van mounted machine so no germs get cross contaminated.

This system is designed to go way beyond most cleaners.

You will get the cleanest carpet possible with a system that leaves no residue for a healthy, clean carpet. 

Call for an appointment today for a FREE written quote!

QC Newsletter February 2018 - What to Know Before Hiring a Carpet Cleaner

What to Know Before Hiring a Carpet Cleaner

Not all carpet cleaning companies are created equal. While most companies promise quality service for a low price, you may not always get it.

Industry training and certifications
Ask what types of professional training a company's technicians have received. A professional carpet cleaning company should employ people that hold the Carpet Cleaning Technician certification by the Institute  of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification.

Carpet cleaning experience and reviews
Knowledge comes not only with education, but experience. Ask how long a company has been in    business and check social media sites, search engines.

Carpet cleaning price
If a price sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Typically, you get what you pay for, and price should never be the main reason for choosing a carpet cleaning company. Always read the fine print on advertised  specials.

Carpet cleaning method
The IICRC defines the five main principles of carpet cleaning as:
Dry soil removal - Thorough vacuuming helps to remove dry soils from carpet fibers.

Soil suspension - The application of the proper pre-treatment agent to loosen soils from carpet fibers. There are four characteristics of soil suspension: application of chemicals, use of heat or temperature to speed up chemical reactions, agitation of carpet fibers to aid in distribution of chemicals and dwell time to complete chemical reaction.

Soil extraction - The most common method from removing soils from carpet is the hot water extraction method, also known as steam cleaning.

Grooming - Grooming of carpet helps eliminate matting of carpet and distribute cleaning agents.

Drying - With normal temperature and humidity conditions, carpet should take no longer than 24 hours to dry. Use of air movers, ceiling fans and, with the right conditions, the outdoor environment (opening windows) can speed the drying process. The ideal dry time for carpet should be around six to eight hours.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

QC Newsletter January 2018 - Referral Reward Program

Referral Reward Program

How to get Free Cash Or Free Cleaning Through our Referral Reward Program!

For each new client we receive as a referral from you, We will send you a certificate worth 10% of what that client spends with us.  The referral certificate can be redeemed for CASH OR SERVICES!

Your choice.

QC Newsletter January 2018 - Vacuuming for your health

Vacuuming for your health

Reducing vacuum frequencies hurts a carpet’s life and appearance but these cuts can also adversely impact indoor air quality. Most people are aware that outdoor air pollution can damage their health, but they may not know that indoor air quality can have a similar effect. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) studies of human exposure to air pollutants indicate that indoor air levels of many pollutants may be five times higher than outdoor levels.According to the American Lung Association, indoor air quality can cause or contribute to the development of chronic lung diseases such as asthma. It is estimated 40 million individuals in the United States are affected by allergies. Allergies weaken the immune system, draining a person’s energy and leaving them more susceptible to infectious diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. Allergic reactions can range from mildly uncomfortable to life threatening, as in a severe asthma attack. The estimated number of people with asthma has risen more than 59 percent since 1970. The number of asthma-related deaths has also increased.The largest source of indoor air pollution is from the common dust mite.Asthmatics are not allergic to living mites but to the airborne feces of mites and, to a much lesser extent, to the dead mites. Living mites are difficult to remove from carpet but their feces are readily removed from carpets by proper cleaning. When a carpet is regularly cleaned, it will not and cannot contain enough allergen to affect people. The proper maintenance of carpet completely prevents trouble from that source.A recent study concludes that carpets may benefit indoor air quality by acting as a filter for indoor air, trapping and holding dust mites, pollutants, and allergens such as pollen, pet dander and molds, which play an important role in allergic diseases. The key to maintaining good indoor air quality is to clean this filter regularly, i.e., remove these pollutants through vacuuming.The science shows regular vacuuming is important and necessary, not just to protect and maintain carpets appearance, but for hygienic reasons, as well.

QC Newsletter January 2018 - Wacky Fun Facts

Wacky Fun Facts

1)  Almost two-thirds of the earths surface is covered by water. If the earth were flat, water would cover everything in a layer two miles deep!

2)  Jupiter is a planet made entirely of gases.

3)  There is no word that rhymes with orange.

4)  Water is the only substance on earth that is lighter as a solid than a liquid.

5)  96% of Egypt is made up of the desert sands of the Sahara.

6)  The Amazon rain forest supplies one-fifth of the world’s oxygen!

7)  The earth is over 330,000 times smaller than the sun.

8)  There are over six billion people living on Earth!

9)  97% of the earth’s water is undrinkable!

10)  On a clear night, the human eye can see between 2,000 and 3,000 stars in the sky.

QC Newsletter January 2018 - New Years Resolutions!

New Years Resolutions!

We all have them.... New Years Resolutions.  What are your resolutions for 2018??

1.  Lose Weight

2. Get Organized

3. Spend Less, Save More

4. Enjoy Life to the Fullest

5. Stay Fit and Healthy

6. Learn Something Exciting

7. Quit Smoking

8. Help Others in Their Dreams

9. Fall in Love

10. Spend More Time with Family

QC Newsletter January 2018 - Carpet Care

Carpet Care: Preventive Maintenance Easy, proactive steps will keep your carpet looking good over time.

Don't track dirt inside. Placing walk-off mats outside all entrances will help absorb soil and moisture and trap excessive dirt, sand, grit, oil, asphalt, or driveway sealer that might otherwise be tracked into the home. Clean mats on a regular basis (or sooner, when they need it) so they don't become sources of soil themselves.

Occasionally move heavy furniture.  Moving your furniture on occasion won't just renew the feel of your room, it will also help avoid excessive pile crushing. Also consider using carpet protectors under the legs of tables, chairs, and other furniture to help distribute the weight. Damage can occur if you use chairs or appliances with rollers or casters without a chair pad designed specifically for carpet.

Protect carpet when moving furniture When moving heavy wheeled furniture (pianos, buffets, etc.), prevent damage by placing a protective barrier of heavy cardboard or plywood between the wheels and the carpet.

Clean your area rugs.  If you use area rugs on your carpet, be sure to clean them regularly, and make sure you clean and restore the pile of the carpet underneath as well. Also, be sure to check area rugs for colorfastness before placing them on carpet because the color in some rugs may bleed through. After cleaning your carpet, allow it to dry completely before replacing rugs.  Reduce periods of direct sunlight.