Tuesday, July 8, 2014

QC Newsletter July 2014 - Tualatin Crawfish Festival 2014

Tualatin Crawfish Festival
August 1st-3rd

The Tualatin Crawfish Festival offers a wide variety of food, entertainment and activities. There’s something for all ages! Join us Friday evening near the lake at Tualatin Commons and then come back to enjoy the best Saturday in August at Tualatin Community Park.

Saturday: Entrance fees into the Community Park - $4 for adults 18 + up
$2 for youths ages 6-17 and seniors over 55. $1 for ages 2-5. 
Children under 2 will be FREE.

QC Newsletter July 2014 - Fun in the Park 2014

Fun in the Park 2014
August 2nd 
Town Center Park 
10am - 5pm

Fun in the Park is a unique FREE festival and wholesome celebration of a “community coming together” through collaborative efforts of businesses, churches, clubs, civic groups, and practices to amuse, entertain, educate, and delight.  It involves over 150 organizations and 600+ volunteers.
For more info go to: www.funinthepark.info

QC Newsletter July 2014 - Summer Coupon

Summer Coupon!

Grout Resealing for 50% off


Clean Couch and Loveseat, Get a Chair Cleaned For Free!

*One coupon per household. Not valid on commercial/rental properties, not to be combined with any other offers.

Expires 7/31/14

QC Newsletter July 2014 - Tualatin Farmers Market

Tualatin Farmers Market Now Open!

We’ve had an incredible first four years and are excited about our fifth season in 2014. The market is located on the southeast side of the Tualatin Commons on Friday evenings in conjunction with the City of Tualatin’s Concerts on the Commons.  Open every Friday night between 4-8pm from now until August.

For more information and a list  of vendors, check out www.tualatinfarmersmarket.com

QC Newsletter July 2014 - Vacuuming 101

Vacuuming 101

It may come as a surprise that something as simple as regular vacuuming can also have the largest impact on the cleanliness of your home and the air you breathe. Removing loose soil while it remains on the carpet  surface prevents dirt from being tramped down into the carpet pile. Pile is the visible wear surface of carpet, consisting of yarn tufts in loop and/or cut configuration. Pile crush occurs when those tufts become matted by foot traffic. You can help prevent pile crush with proper vacuuming.

Proper vacuuming is the easiest and most effective way to keep your carpet clean.

QC Newsletter July 2014 - Containing Soil and Dust at the Front Door!

Containing Soil and Dust at the Front Door!

Ever heard the saying, “The best defense is a great offense?” Preventing dirt and grime from getting on the   carpet in the first place is a great  start for keeping it clean. The following sections give you some helpful hints that can stop dirt in its tracks.

Using Mats!

Be proactive. Use outside and inside mats or runners, which work together to reduce the amount of dirt that enters the house. Choose wisely.  If used outside, the mats should be made to withstand the sun and the rain.

Mats work best if cleaned frequently.  Vacuum up dry soil. Removed embedded soil from an outdoor mat by giving it a  shaking, followed by a good striking with a brush. Some of the vinyl or rubber type mats can be washed off with a hose or with dishwashing detergent mix in a bucket of water. Soap them up and rinse them off when you wash your car. Then lay them outside on the driveway or hang them over a porch railing to dry. Always dry your mat completely before vacuuming.